Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Last weekend I went to my first boxing match. It was at Fitzgerald's casino and it was AWESOME!! Since I have been doing kickboxing, I am starting to appreciate how HARD boxing really is. We do all kinds of punches and I am out of breath and dripping with swett hitting just a bag...I can't imagine how hard it would be to hit that hard and have to bob and weave and have another person trying to hit you back...
We sat in the press seats ring side..At first I was scared to death that I would get blood or a ton of sweat or spit on me, but we were ok. I was definitely freaked out-

There were 6 rounds and 2 of them were chick boxers. The first chicks were cute-ish and pretty feminine, but the second round...not so much. When the boxers enter for their fight they dim the lights and play "their song". Could be anything they want...When they dimmed the lights and played a sone for what I thought was supposed to be a chick round...I thought a guy entered...I was wrong...It was a chick, a TOUGH chick...I think it would be fun to learn how to box, but then I think about having to fight really TOUGH chicks and get blasted in the nose and I an just fine with punching a bag.


Keeley White said...

Did you really go to a boxing event? I think I would have been a little scared sitting on the front row. You and Ed seem to stay very busy in your social lives which is great. I am sure that my social life will slow down a little come November but hopefully not too much!

Blessed said...

You look so pretty in that picture, Katie! Kickboxing, huh!? I need to do something else to get in shape! You'll have to fill me in on where you work out! I need a place...

Hope to see you soon for a lunch date? :)